Camping with a camping tarp can be a pretty good option in a variety of circumstances, especially if you are bikepacking in good conditions. A tarp provides a lightweight and versatile shelter that can be used in many different weather conditions and environments. They can also be used as an additional layer of protection on top of a tent, adding extra protection against rain and wind.
One scenario where camping with a tarp can be ideal is when you want a minimal setup for backpacking or ultralight camping. Tarps are much lighter and take up less space than tents, making them a great choice for those looking to travel light. They are also easy to set up, making them a convenient option for those who want to get set up quickly and start exploring their surroundings.

Another scenario where tarps can be ideal is when camping in areas with mild weather. Tarps provide some protection from rain and wind, making them a good choice for those camping in areas with mild to moderate weather. They are also ideal for camping in areas with mild to warm temperatures, as they allow for good air flow, keeping you cool and comfortable. Or, you can use a camping tarp as a tarp shelter from the sun and rain during the day.
When camping with a tarp, you will typically need tarp poles to provide support. Tarp poles help to hold the tarp up and keep it taut, providing the necessary stability and protection from the elements. The type of tarp poles you need will depend on the size and design of your tarp, as well as the type of camping you plan to do. Some tarps come with poles included, while others require you to purchase them separately. Trekking poles can sometimes serve as the tarp poles, too.
For those in the right climate, camping with a tarp can be a great option in a variety of circumstances. Whether you’re looking for a lightweight setup for backpacking or a versatile shelter for mild weather camping, a tarp can provide you with the protection and comfort you need. Just remember to bring tarp poles to provide support, and you’ll be ready for a successful camping trip!
But, beware, the science is not settled as to whether tarp camping is better or worse than tent camping. Just ask these guys!
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